27 November 2013

My first ruby gem horoscope is live

I wanted to write a rubygem on my own for a long time. Never had the time really to write one. However, recently I had some spare time during which I wrote this gem called horoscope. This gem will help drafting the horoscope of a person given the birth date, time and the place. Source is hosted at Github. As with every other open source project out there, feel free to fork it and add more to your liking

Screenshot at Github

Proud to release this and I am planning to add more features to this. Also, planning to release different gems. If you want something particular or specific, don't be shy, add it in the comments section and I would be more than happy to contribute!


18 November 2013

Tree Traversal in C++

We've already seen many implementations of tree and its uses in java. Lets look at a simple implementation of traversing on a tree in C++. Code has been given below which I think is quite self descriptive.


Write a program to find the number corresponding to a alphabet and vice-versa with the given rule

A = 1
B = A*2 + 2
C = B*2 + 3...
1. Write a program to find the number corresponding to a alphabet and vice-versa.
2. Given a series like GREP find the total in numbers. Given a number like 283883, find the shortest alphabetical series corresponding to it.
Compute above recursively when required and do not pre-compute and store beforehand.

The solution is straightest-forward. Java code given below.


Write a program to build a small knowledge base about top "N" movies listed at IMDB

This was an interesting problem that I came across with. This problem is like an open book exam and race against time. The problem had to be solved within an allocated amount of time with a technology stack that is limited only to Ruby/Python/Node.js/Perl.

Few googling here and there and with some knowledge about Ruby I was able to solve this problem within an hour.

Problem Statement:

Build a small knowledge base about top "N" movies listed at http://www.imdb.com/chart/top. Each movie should mention the cast written on the individual page of the movie.
Given the name of a cast member, you should be able to return the movies out of the top "N" movies he/she has acted in. "N" will be passed by the user.
The knowledge base should be built during the runtime and stored in a data structure of your choice.
Q1. For example, if N=3, then you should parse the first 3 movies' individual pages from that page (http://www.imdb.com/chart/top) and build the knowledge base of the cast (there are about 15-20 on every page). Upon querying for "Morgan Freeman", you should return "The Shawshank Redemption". Do not use any external api for this.
Use only Ruby/Python/Node.js/Perl.

